Welcome to kaomojiText.com
kaomojiText is 100% FREE. We provides best japaness kaomoji. kaomojiText.com have collection of Kaomoji including wide mood and occasion. From here you can copy kaomoji to clipboard and paste directly where you want. Also, you can copy multiple kaomojis. Once you copied as many kaomojis you want. after that it will show in History, from history you can copy any emoticons or can download all in text file by clickicking on "Download History" button.
1. (¬‿¬) - U+1F606 -classic smirk (sense of mischief).
2. (ʘ‿ʘ) - U+1F60E -wide-eyed kaomoji, (perfect for expressing surprise).
3.(^▽^)ノ - U+1F604 -express happiness
4. (◕‿◕) - U+1F60D -A simple smiling face kaomoji
5. (¬_¬) - U+1F611 - kaomoji expressing skepticism or disapproval.
6. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ - U+1F615 U+1F621 U+1F643 -the table flip kaomoji, ideal use for frustration moments.
7. (^ω^) - U+1F604 U+1F60A U+1F609 -represents a cute and happy face with a smiling mouth.
8. (╹◡╹) - U+1F613 -sweet and innocent kaomoji (expressing purity).
9. (ಠ_ಠ) - U+1F620 - The disapproving stare kaomoji (conveying skepticism).